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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Author Type Category Subjectdown
  99   Tue May 16 11:56:33 2023 PeterUpdateVLC Electronics532nm Intensity Measurement
With the configuration the exact same as before, I used the Jupyter notebook in the red pitaya's development package to collect data from both input channels. Last week, I was able to take data, yet only for a very short period of time, and I did not know how to change it. I went online to the red pitaya's user manual to figure out how to change the sampling period for longer. The link to the page is here: Though I now know how to change the period of time for which data is taken, the maximum amount of time is still only about 8 seconds. So with help from Cao, we looped over the data taking samples, and got a mean value for each iteration. We then put all those mean values in an array, and plotted it. Below, we see a plot of both the S and P polarizations, and a sum of both of them. As seen in the graph, I have set the time to be able to take data for almost 2 minutes. There is some slight drift in the respective intensities. The next steps I believe are to convert the units into watts, and take data for longer periods of time.
Attachment 1: Time_Series_Trial_3.png
  101   Thu May 18 14:07:08 2023 PeterUpdateVLC Update532nm Intensity Measurement
I figured out a method in which to capture power measurements including the initial seconds in which the beam is first turned on. I first clear and restart the kernel of the python notebook. Then I run the command to connect the red pitaya oscilloscope package to the input data being taken in both channels. To my understanding, this allows for data acquisition as the code compiles. I then started looping the 1.074s trigger bunches, and then roughly 2 seconds after I ran that command, I went and turned on the laser. The first plot shown is a 2 minute practice trial of me trying this technique to make sure that the python package was correctly registering the input of the red pitaya. It is clear that initially the laser is off, and then as I turned it on, the voltage in each channel spikes, which is compelling evidence that the code is working. I then set the data collection to be 7518 seconds (7000 loops), which is about 2 hours and 5 minutes. I repeated the same technique as for the first plot, only changing the amount of time I collected data. The second plot shown here is the voltage being read in each channel as a function of time. As we can see, over a period of hours, the intensity drifts quite dramatically for the first several minutes, and then begins to stabilize slightly. However, there are still some strong sudden fluctuations in each channel.
Attachment 1: Time_Series_Trial_4.png
Attachment 2: Time_Series_Trial_5_2hrs.png
  36   Tue Feb 28 19:31:05 2023 PeterUpdateVLC Electronics532 M2 Measurements
Took M2 measurements today. Configuration: Lens 1 (f = 50mm) at 0mm. Lens 2 (f = 150mm) at 200mm, camera at 350mm. The laser beam was being moved in -z direction on track (so further away from the first lens). Quick data shown in the sheets plot. Not a real fit. I was trying to see where the beam waist was if there even was one. Seems that it is much further than we have room for on the track. Will need to come back and take more data. I suggest maybe Dr. Richardson or Cao come and see the configuration in person and how the beam diverges for themselves on the detector card. Maybe they can offer pointers to make this go smoother.
Attachment 1: X_width_and_Y_width.png
  37   Tue Feb 28 19:33:51 2023 PeterUpdate 532 M2 Measurements
Y axis of plot in units of micrometers. X axis in units of millimeters.
  48   Thu Mar 9 12:03:59 2023 PeterUpdateVLC Electronics532 M2 Measurements
Took more M2 Data today. Picture of the optical set up is shown below. lens1 f = 100mm, lens2 f = 50mm, lens3 f = 150mm. There was a nice converging/diverging beam profile, and the beam waist was able to be read by the camera. I took as much data as I could before clipping loss. The M2 value is quite high.
Attachment 1: OmegaY_M2_Fit_3.png
Attachment 2: OmegaX_M2_Fit_3.png
Attachment 3: optical_setup.jpg
  50   Fri Mar 10 12:08:09 2023 PeterUpdateVLC Electronics532 M2 Measurements
Took more M2 laser data today. The configuration is the same as before except now the beam camera is the only component moving. Pictures can be seen below. The beam shape in x and y is very consistent with low error. However, the M2 value is still a bit high.
Attachment 1: OmegaX_M2_Fit_4.png
Attachment 2: OmegaY_M2_Fit_4.png
  61   Tue Apr 4 09:39:58 2023 PeterUpdateVLC Electronics532 M2 Measurements
Final M squared measurements were taken Wednesday, 3/29/23 by Peter and Ryan Hinosawa. 5 separate sets of data were taken, and upon discussion, we declared the plots shown below in attachment 1 and 2 as the final plots of our M squared measurements. The optical design of the M squared measurement process is given in attachment 3. The laser and three lenses shown below are mounted on the optical table. The track is placed behind the third lens, and the camera is moved along the track to take successive measurements of the beam's width. This will allow us to see a change in the beam's width over its propagation direction. The raw data is given in attachment 4 as a Beam_Data_8_3lens.txt file. This is eventually what gets used to generate the plots shown below. The code to run the analysis on these measurements (as well as analysis on the Gaussian intensity profile fitting) can be found:
Attachment 1: OmegaY_M2_Fit_8.pdf
Attachment 2: OmegaX_M2_Fit_8.pdf
Attachment 3: M2_Measurements_Set_Up.svg
Attachment 4: Beam_Data_8_3lens.txt
z-z0	x_width	y_width	x_error	y_error
-50	267	304	30	30
-40	227	261	30	30
-30	192	223	30	30
-20	167	194	30	30
-10	153	169	50	50
0	149	154	50	50
10	166	152	50	50
20	198	169	50	50
30	233	195	50	50
... 17 more lines ...
  230   Fri Sep 29 11:53:54 2023 ShaneUpdateCleanroom5 zone particle count measurement in cleanroom
Today's 5 zone measurement of cleanroom particulate concentration is attached
Attachment 1: 23.png
Attachment 2: 23.png
  270   Fri Nov 17 14:06:01 2023 ShaneUpdateCleanroom5 zone particle count
Here's today's 5 zone particle count measurement for the cleanroom. Zone 5 (closest to back wall by fire cabinet) is still above the limit for the larger size ranges; everything else is in good shape and roughly 10 times under the limit. Not sure why zone 5 is still so dirty (maybe some of the electronics being stored in bags/bins on the upper shelf of the desk aren't clean?) but will focus cleaning efforts on this zone next time.
Attachment 1: 23.png
  260   Thu Nov 9 19:06:46 2023 shaneUpdateCleanroom5 zone cleanroom measurement
Here's today's five zone measurement, taken ~5 hours after the cleaning. Zone 5 (closest to fire cabinet and back wall) is a bit over the limit in all size ranges (about 1500 particles in 1.0u size range over), and zone 2 is slightly over the limit in the 1.0u range, but everything else is under the requirement.
Attachment 1: 23.jpeg
  314   Fri Feb 2 19:08:20 2024 AidenUpdateVAC1st Hot Element RGA Scan
Here are the measurements for the RGA scan of the elements while on at around 160C. The pressure of the chamber during the test was 4.12 e-8 torr.
Attachment 1: bake10_240202_Elements_ArC.png
Attachment 2: bake10_240202_Elements_ArO.png
  274   Tue Nov 21 14:47:24 2023 TylerUpdateLore1129 Workbench Assembly Update 1

[Tyler, Shane, Mohak, Cynthia, Luke, Michael, Luis]

Started assembly of the workbench equipment today. We completed the stools, and have constructed the frames of each workbench. All that needs to be added are the tabletops and the top shelves, which will be done on Monday.
Attachment 1: IMG_7569.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_7568.jpg
  278   Mon Nov 27 14:22:30 2023 TylerUpdateLore1129 Assembly Update
[Tyler, Michael, Luke, Cynthia]

The tabletops have been attached to the workbench frames. Unfortunately, one of the tabletops came out of the box with a large scratch and small dent in the middle. One of the electric top shelves is ready to be attached to the undamaged table, but the other is yet to be opened. Assembly will be completed Wednesday morning.

Attachment 1: IMG_7669.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_7668.jpg
  75   Fri Apr 21 15:21:18 2023 PamellaUpdateFLIR 
FLIR project updates
  • 01:50 pm: Starting test position 34 mm distance to black wall.
  • Parameters : 0.100 A, 1.5 V and the temperature inside the mirrors 40°C.
  • 2:09 pm : Finished the test and figured out this position it is too far the black wall so now we change for more close position.
  • 2:17 pm: Starting test in another position: 10 mm distance to the black wall( this measurement is between the black wall and the aluminum lid)
  • 2:26 pm : Finished this second tried and take a snap. The image is attached below.
  • The name for the picture for this tried is “AcquisitionImage(Apr-21-2023_14 26)”.
    Note: The second tried the temperature didn't up more than 40°C for 8 minutes so I change the current for a few seconds. I started with 0.98 A with 1.7 V and up until 0.350 A with 2.5 V, just for a few seconds and in this way the temperature up to 72°C and I get the snap.
      The next step should be understand the problem with the shape and work in changes for get the triangle in the FLIR image.
Attachment 1: AcquisitionImage(Apr-21-2023_14_26).jpg
  249   Mon Oct 30 11:03:56 2023 TylerUpdateScripts/Programs 

FLIR: After some adjustments, the plot generated from the FLIR measurements look much more symmetric (see attachment). There are more included grid points, which smooths out the curve as compared to last week.

Red Pitaya: It looks like a new OS update was released for the RP, which includes a new Python API (was previously only available in C). I'm going to try and update the one we have currently running in lab.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_2023-10-23_at_12.39.05_PM.png
  299   Mon Jan 8 20:24:53 2024 AidenUpdateGeneral 
[Jon, Aiden]

Installed the heater elements into their fixture and prepped the cables by twisting the wires into pairs. We also installed the pins onto the wires and placed them into the peek DB 25 connector. The installation tool we had did not fit the pin size we had so the pins needed to be installed by hand by opening the connector and holding them in place. In the future we will need to make sure we twist the wires together, group them, and then splice them all to the same size for easier installation. We then grouped all the twisted pairs into a bundle and zipped them together. On the left with two peek zip ties is the power and on the right is the RTD with one peek zip tie. This orientation remains true when looking at the feed through flange from the outside with the power port on closest to the wall.

We also installed the heater elements numbered 1-8 starting from the left in image 3. These elements have numbers as resistance data was taken before as to identify the heaters after they are in the chamber. After installing the DB 25 connectors we tested that the pins were in the right orientation by using a volt meter and testing the resistance where the cable runs into the the actual power supply. It seems that all the pins were properly installed and the resistance values all match with each one gaining about 2 Ohms from the cable itself.

Then the pump down was started. The pump was very slow and we suspected a leak but after changing the o-ring pump down was not any faster and we decided to leave it over break as it seemed to just be water outgassing from the aluminum. The chamber is now able to be RGA scanned and leak tested before the next bake as it is low enough pressure.

Attachment 1: IMG_4888.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_4886.jpg
Attachment 3: IMG_4887.jpg
  306   Tue Jan 16 16:11:41 2024 AidenUpdateVAC 

Below is the data for the most recent bake. I believe the chamber is cleaner than it is actually showing as the RGA data was still getting lower while the data was being taken. I will take the data again tomorrow just in case. Still, the data shows that the chamber is basically as clean as it was before bake 10 and this means further power testing can proceed.

Helium leak tested the chamber again today to check if the sealant changed anything. The two primary target flanges from last time have improved significantly with the flange from the RGA on the cross now being below 2e-14. While the turbo pump flange was leaking at a rate of 4e-13. Much better than what it has been before.

Attachment 1: bake10_240116_Elements_ArO.png
Attachment 2: bake10_240116_Elements_ArC.png
  391   Mon Jul 1 11:45:45 2024 SidUpdateInterferometer Simulations 
Progress update: Most of last week was spent getting set up with SIS, and learning how to do basic simulations. The goal for this week is to begin reproducing the methodology from T2000338. I have begun with studying perturbations to mirror curvature and position in a simple FP cavity, but thus far have been unable to get the same results.
  421   Tue Aug 6 13:07:07 2024 XuejunUpdateInterferometer Simulations 

The width and location of the measured in-air change in temperature profile has been determined to be 0.045m and 0.137m respectively. Subsequently, a fake irradiance profile was able to be generated that best resembled what the actual irradiance profile could be using this information for testing in COMSOL. The generated irradiance profile that output the most similar change in temperature profile as the measured in-air profile has been included as well as the change in temperature profile it produced on the blackbody screen "test mass" model in COMSOL.

Attachment 1: Thermal_model_image.png
Attachment 2: generated_irradiance_profile.png
  471   Wed Nov 13 14:06:00 2024 Luke UpdateGeneral 


  504   Mon Jan 27 23:35:28 2025 Xuesi MaUpdate  


Installed all the pins to the peek DB 25 connectors

Attachment 1: 20250127_142647.jpg
Attachment 2: 20250127_153454.jpg
Attachment 3: 20250127_154516.jpg
  508   Mon Feb 3 13:17:21 2025 Xuesi MaUpdate  


changed all zip ties to peek zip ties, and grouped wires together. The setup is ready to go into the chamber.

Attachment 1: 20250203_123153.jpg
Attachment 2: 20250203_123213.jpg
  514   Tue Feb 18 10:01:07 2025 Xuesi MaUpdate  

[Ma, Pooyan, Tyler]

On Friday, we connected the vacuum chamber with the Cymac.

Attachment 1: IMG_7916.jpeg
Attachment 2: IMG_7915.jpeg
Attachment 3: IMG_7917.jpeg
  525   Tue Feb 25 10:02:32 2025 Xuesi MaUpdate  

1424039912.625576 2025/02/19 22:38:14 UTC Time start

24V 2.8A right after start all 8 elements

1424044804.902443 2025/02/19 23:59:46 UTC Time stop

24V 1.8A right before stop all 8 elements

0.1A right before start and right after stop

note: turned on briefly to check current right before stop

2/20 RGA Scan


1424129207.857777 2025/02/20 23:26:29 UTC Time start

24V 2.9A right after start all 8 elements

1424140789.856096 2025/02/21 02:39:31 UTC Time stop

24V 1.7A right before stop all 8 elements

0.1A right before start and right after stop

2025/02/21 02:43:19 UTC

Main chamber pressure: 1.54e-8

RGA chamber pressure:5.06e-9

spikes are due to loose connection between connectors.

1424210410.173863 2025/02/21 21:59:52 UTC Time start

24V 2.9A right after start all 8 elements

1424218357.96404 2025/02/22 00:12:19 UTC Time stop

24V 1.7A right before stop all 8 elements

each elements: 0.3A (0.2A increment)(all)

0.1A right before start and right before stop

2/24 RGA Scan

1424467918.129082 2025/02/24 21:31:40 UTC Time start

12V 2A right after start all 8 elements

1424478936.635821 2025/02/25 00:35:18 UTC Time stop

12V 1.6A right before stop all 8 elements

each elements: 0.4A (0.2A increment)(all)

0.2A right before start

rise time: A(1-exp(-t/tau))+B

fall time: Aexp(-t/tau) +B

Attachment 1: resistance_vs_time_all_channels_all_time.pdf
Attachment 2: temperature_vs_time_all_channels_all_time.pdf
Attachment 3: resistance_vs_time_rise_time.pdf
Attachment 4: resistance_vs_time_fall_time.pdf
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