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  Richardson Lab Experimental Log  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 142     Entry time: Mon Jul 3 16:26:21 2023
Author: Cao 
Type: Infrastructure 
Category: DAQ 
Subject: Access and control Red Pitaya remotely and run it on local machine 

To access and control the Red Pitaya using Python locally on a machine within the local network, one should follow these steps:

  1. Start the SCPI server. This is achieved by first log onto the Red Piatay page

  2. Go to Development >> SCPI server and turn the server on. (Note : The server is currently running)
  3. Communication with Red Piataya is done through PyVista, install PyVista with:
     sudo pip3 install pyvisa pyvisa-py 
    This has been installed on Chimay. Ensure that you have pip3 install, if not, you can install it using:
     sudo apt-install python3 pip 
  4. To start talking to the RedPitaya, ensure you have the scipt 
    in your local folder. This is the standard class that you will import to your code to establish connection with the Red Pitaya. This code can be found in directory
     or this link

ELOG V3.1.3-7933898