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Message ID: 437     Entry time: Mon Sep 9 14:27:36 2024
Author: Pooyan 
Type: Infrastructure 
Category: Computers 
Subject: Chimay backup attempt 

One ongoing work is to make all lab machines automatically backed-up on Scribe on a daily basis. The updates should be boatable and stored for some time (potentially a few weeks) on Scribe. Making whole disk images has already been tried for some of the machines with no problems. (e.g., Cymac and WorkStations)

The same thing can not be done with Chimay though, as it currently has one huge RAID-controlled volume that stores all the information (OS, home directories, and NDS-downloaded data). Creating daily full disk images of such a system is not practical. 

Here is the plan we came up with to overcome this issue:

  1. Create one full disk image of Chimay and store it on Scribe (it was already done)
  2. Move the nds-downloaded raw data temporarily to Scribe and remove it from Chimay
  3. Make another full disk image of Chimay
  4. Burn this image to a single disk and boot chimay with it
  5. Restore the rest of Chimay disks and move the NDS data back


On the weekend (Sat and Sun 9/7-8) I tried to execute these steps. There wasn't enough free space left on Scribe to move all the NDS data to it, so I stored part of this data temporarily on WS4. Then I also checked storage-consuming directories and, in one case, removed some non-important stored files. As there was no free space left on Scribe to execute step no. 3, I initiated storing the image on WS3. Unfortunately, a couple of different trials of the image-creation process failed as there was not enough free space on WS3 to accommodate Chiamy image as well. I was not able to reduce the image size such that it can be stored on WS3. 


These are the options left for us to get this work done. 

  1. Distribute the NDS files between different machines to make enough free space on Scribe for the image and then follow the previous plan
  2. Shrink the Chimay drive size, create the image and then follow the previous plan
  3. Temporarily transfer some services to Megatrone (Network gateway, Wiki, elog) and recreate chimay and its services from scratch
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