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  Richardson Lab Experimental Log, Page 7 of 11  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Thu Apr 6 10:20:43 2023, Peter, Update, VLC Update, Laser intensity/polarization drift measurements Optical_Setup_4-6-23.jpg
More optical components were added to the optical set up for laser intensity / polarization drift measurements. Both lenses and both PDs were added to the configuration, as seen in the image below. The beam is already well aligned into the center of both of PDs, and focused nicely by the lens. Both PD's take BNC connecting cables, and the Red Pitaya takes SMA connecting cables. Since we are currently without a BNC to SMA cable, and we do not want to cut, strip, and crimp what we have, then measurement process cannot proceed until we get the cables.
Entry  Fri Apr 28 11:21:01 2023, Peter, Update, VLC Update, Laser intensity/polarization drift measurements IMG-0183.jpg
The Digi-key cables have arrived, and I have began implementing them in the intensity drift measurements. There was a slight problem initially in connecting the SMA to BNC cables from the photodiode to the red pitaya, since the red pitaya was way on the other side of the lab. Cao and I connected the red pitaya to a new ethernet cable that extended far enough for the red pitaya to sit comfortably on the breadboard with the optics. Right now the PDAs are not connected to the red pitaya. I have connected them to the oscilloscope in order to read out how much voltage they produce upon incidence of 532nm laser light. This was done in order to make sure that they do not surpass the limit of the red pitaya (+-1V). I have not acquired a value for the readout voltage of the PDAs since I had to go to class. I will gather this preliminary data soon.
Entry  Mon May 22 16:43:28 2023, Peter, Update, VLC Electronics, Laser intensity/polarization drift measurements S-P_Polarization_Diagram.svgPolar_angle_vs_time.pngRel_Intens_vs_time.png
In order to fully analyze the polarization data taken last Thursday, I needed to convert the signal output (which is in volts) to power (units of watts). I used the power meter to accomplish this. Keeping the exact same configuration of PD's and beam splitting, opened the red pitaya's oscilloscope package. I then took the power meter, and held it in front of the PD to measure the amount of Watts at each PD. I then wrote down the corresponding voltage being seen in the red pitaya. I took 5 sets of measurements for each PD to get experimental accuracy. I then used a simple y = mx + b fit to find out the constant m that converts the input wattage into voltage. For the s polarization, the conversion factor is 0.83. For the p polarization, the conversion factor is 1.12. I then used this data to plot polarization angle as a function of time, and the relative intensity drift as a function of time. The plots are shown below. The physical meaning of the polarization angle is shown in the unit circle diagram below, in which P is the total power.
Entry  Wed May 24 14:28:26 2023, Peter, Update, VLC Electronics, Laser intensity/polarization drift measurements Time_Series_Trial_7_16hrs.pngPower_vs_Time_16hrs.pngPolar_angle_vs_time_16hrs.pngRel_Intens_vs_time_16hrs.png
I went in and took polarization drift data for 16 hours. The run started at 6:08pm and finished at 9:15am the next day. The four plots below are the same plots shown for the 2 hour collection and previous trials, except they extend to 16 hours. The only one that is different is the Power vs. Time graph. This is a graph of the actual incoming power of the laser (as opposed to the signal voltage that the PDA's output into the red pitaya). This was done using the calibration factors of the respective PDA's and as we can see, since there is a difference in the calibration factors between detectors, there is a difference in the power that's coupled into S and P polarization.
Entry  Sat Feb 4 17:01:03 2023, Peter, Update, VLC Electronics, Laser Data OmegaX_M2_Fit_3.pngOmegaY_M2_Fit_3.png
Peter and Ryan took laser beam data. Configuration: 100mm focal length lens is ~100mm from lens. 150mm focal length lens is ~200mm from first lens. Beam waist is ~420mm from second lens. Beam waist is very small still. Had to input large amounts of error in data collection. Took width data successively at points near waist and at >= Rayleigh range. Plots are shown below. Key points: Took a while to figure out optimum configuration for lenses to be placed so that an accessible beam waist could be obtained. Beam waist is still very small. May need to do an ABCD calculation to see if there is anything bigger that can be obtained.
Entry  Wed Mar 8 18:35:52 2023, Pamella, Update, , Lab cleaning  
Today Pamella finished cleaning of the cleanroom, starting with the HEPA vacuuming, mopping and clearing all floor with IPA wipes. Also Pamella and Julian finished cleaning of lab floor, starting with the HEPA vacuuming and mopping. Shane and Pamella wiped down every surfaces of the laser table, computer table and the table with the vacuum pieces inside the cleanroom. Shane, Peter, Tayler, Pamella and Julian then wiped down every surface of the laser table outside the cleanroom. We wiped the main tabletop as well as the legs and all parts for the table. We wiped the computer desk, the boxes, the cabinets and every part outside the cleanroom. For now we finished the lab cleaning.
Entry  Tue Apr 11 17:56:15 2023, Pamella, Update, General, Lab cleaning  
Today Pamella and Julian finished cleaning of the cleanroom, starting with the HEPA vacuuming, mopping and clearing all floor with IPA wipes. Also we wiped down some surfaces of the blue table, computer table and the top of chamber.
Entry  Wed Nov 8 17:55:49 2023, Jon, Update, General, Lab Clean-Up Day 1 

[Jon, Tyler, Shane, Peter, Luis]

Today we completed the first phase of lab clean-up. Activities included:

  • CF/KF parts stored under the cleanroom table were removed and transferred to Physics 1129
  • Cleanroom workbench cleared, with all FROSTI hardware collected into one of the large SS bins
  • High surfaces outside the cleanroom (lights, table enclosure frames, rack, cabinets) wiped down with IPA wipes
  • Floor HEPA-vacuumed outside the cleanroom
  • Sticky mats changed throughout the lab

Tomorrow, we will complete turn-over of the cleanroom (HEPA vacuuming of floors, mopping of floors, IPA wiping of softwalls and work surfaces). Shane will post a forthcoming measurement of the cleanroom particulate levels, post-turnover.

Entry  Tue Mar 4 03:05:42 2025, Xuesi Ma, Update, ELOG, LOG 

1424564097.243212 2025/02/26 00:14:39 UTC Time start

12V 2A right after start all 8 elements

1424564478.079428 2025/02/26 00:21:00 UTC Time stop

12V 1.8A right before stop all 8 elements

1424564832.211584 2025/02/26 00:26:54 UTC Time start

12V 1.9A right after start all 8 elements

1424565208.359935 2025/02/26 00:33:10 UTC Time stop

12V 1.8A right before stop all 8 elements

1424565573.565066 2025/02/26 00:39:15 UTC Time start

12V 1.8A right after start all 8 elements

1424565931.242394 2025/02/26 00:45:13 UTC Time stop

12V 1.7A right before stop all 8 elements

1424566292.67104 2025/02/26 00:51:14 UTC Time start

12V 1.8A right after start all 8 elements

1424566648.619952 2025/02/26 00:57:10 UTC Time stop

12V 1.7A right before stop all 8 elements

1424566996.312246 2025/02/26 01:02:58 UTC Time start

12V 1.8A right after start all 8 elements

1424567381.748943 2025/02/26 01:09:23 UTC Time stop

12V 1.7A right before stop all 8 elements

1424567756.528736 2025/02/26 01:15:38 UTC Time start

12V 1.7A right after start all 8 elements

0.2A right before start


1424643001.864687 2025/02/26 22:09:43 UTC

change c_0(VEXC0 & VCXC0) to 2V (why is it on 5V ?)

2025/02/26 22:18:51 UTC

Main chamber pressure:5.92e-9

RGA chamber pressure:1.98e-9

1424650528.240947 2025/02/27 00:15:10 UTC Time start (increase voltage)

24V 2.1A right after start all 8 elements

disconnect and reconnect (exc 1-4)(out 9-12) & (exc 5-8)(out 13-16)

2025/02/27 19:34:26 UTC

Main chamber pressure:1.34e-8

RGA chamber pressure:4.33e-9

Main chamber temp: 29

RGA chamber temp:29

2025/02/28 18:02:29 UTC

Main chamber pressure:1.05e-8

RGA chamber pressure:3.53e-9

Main chamber temp: 29

RGA chamber temp:30

1424801097.374902 2025/02/28 18:04:39 UTC Time stop

24V 1.8A right before stop all 8 elements

0.1A right after stop

1424827460.71372 2025/03/01 01:24:02 UTC Time start

24V 2.9A right after start all 8 elements

0.1A right before start

2025/03/01 01:25:34 UTC

Main chamber pressure:5.98e-9

RGA chamber pressure:2.06e-9

Main chamber temp:27

RGA chamber temp:27

2025/03/03 20:28:03 UTC

Main chamber pressure:7.8e-9

RGA chamber pressure:2.64e-9

Main chamber temp:27

RGA chamber temp:27

Entry  Mon Jul 31 12:39:01 2023, Shane, Update, Electronics, LED cable assemblies installed  IMG_8514.jpegIMG_8516.jpeg
Today I put together the two LED cable assemblies for the CyMAC and mounted them in the anti-aliasing and anti-imaging chassis.
Entry  Tue Jun 27 14:04:42 2023, Sophia A. , Update, Measuring Noise in Interferometer, Interferometer set up and connection to red pitaya IMG_6756.jpgIMG_6754.jpgIMG_6755.jpg
Today we (Sophia and Tyler) constructed the set-up for the electrical noise calculation that I will be conducting this summer. I have included images of the setup below. Our system is effectively a green laser, that feeds into a type of polarizer, then into a beam splitter which sends the laser light down two arms into detectors. We started by connecting the detectors to an oscilloscope to determine whether the signal will exceed 1V, as the red pitaya (our planned data collection device) cannot receive signals with a higher voltage than 1V. We spent most of our time calibrating the oscilloscope and fine-tuning the set-up so that we would have approximately equal voltages in each arm of the interferometer. Once confirming that the output voltage would not meet or exceed 1V, we switched from an oscilloscope to the red pitaya for our measurements. Now that the system is set up, we will be able to run code in the red pitaya interface that will run an FFT on the signal, and then do noise analysis from there.
Entry  Thu Apr 27 16:23:44 2023, Cao, Pamella and Julian, Physics, VAC, Installing vacuum system (cont.) IMG_0139.pngIMG_0136.png
    [Pamella, Cao and Julian, Shane]
  • Particles account
  • 10:37 am: Starting the particles account
    1. Zone 3:
      • 0.3u: 1662
      • 0.5u: 872
      • 1.0u: 415
    2. Zone 4:
      • 0.3u: 831
      • 0.5u: 124
      • 1.0u: 0
  • 11:14 am: Start removal of calibrated leak to install 45 deg elbow
  • 11:21 am: Elbow installed, re-install calibrated leak back on
  • 11:29 am: Finished re-install calibrated leak, start installing gate valve on pump line
  • 11:47 am: Finished installing gate valve, start installing reducing cross onto gate valve
  • 12:02 pm: Finished installing reducing cross, start installing 90 deg elbow to reducing cross
  • 12:17 pm: Finished installing reducing cross, lunch break
  • 01:24 pm: Come back to the lunch break.
  • 01:26 pm: Start installing vacuum hose to elbow.
  • 01:40 pm: Finished installing vacuum hose.
  • 01:43 pm: Start installing turbo pump.
  • 02:00 pm: finished installing turbo pump .
  • 02:10 pm: Start installing standard wall hose from turbo pump to scroll pump
  • 02:21 pm: finished installing hose onto scroll pump, start installing lid. Remove lid from chamber, insert viton O-ring. Place lid back
  • 02:30 pm: Secure lids with screw. Start installing turbo pump controller cable: Pass cable from outside (controller) up the top of clean tent and connect to 8 pin connector on turbo pump
  • 03:00 pm: Installing air cooling unit for turbo pump, found 8 M3 screws for air cooling unit in the C&B cabinet to install the fan bracket onto the back of turbo pump. Fan control cable is routed up to the top of the cleanroom to the controller
  • 03:15 pm: Installing full-range gauge cable to the controller outside cleanroom. Ethernet cables 1 and 2 are used. Cable 1 is used on the RGA line gauge. Cable 2 is connected to the main body gauge. Cable1 and 2 are connected controller's channel 1 and 2 respectively.
  • 04:00 pm: Finish installing gauges cables. Cables are routed up along the frame to the controller sitting outside the cleanroom
  • 04:15 pm: Finished. End-of-date particle count
    1. Zone 3:
      • 0.3u: 3699
      • 0.5u: 1454
      • 1.0u: 872
    2. Zone 4:
      • 0.3u: 1662
      • 0.5u: 706
      • 1.0u: 290
    Entry  Mon May 1 17:10:25 2023, Julian, Cao, Physics, VAC, Installing Pirani gauge and RGA probe onto to vacuum chamber PXL_20230501_225241491.jpgPXL_20230501_235854958.jpgPXL_20230501_234750795.MP.jpg

    [Julian, Cao]

    • 03:00 pm: Particle count
      1. : Zone 3
        • 0.3 um: 498
        • 0.5 um: 124
        • 1 um: 124
      2. : Zone 4
        • 0.3 um: 748
        • 0.5 um: 457
        • 1 um: 374
    • 03:32 pm: Installing Pirani gauge onto pump line
    • 03:51 pm: Finish installing Pirani gauge, start installing RGA probe
    • 04:03 pm: Finish installing PRGA probe, start routing cable from gauge controller to Pirani gauge
    • 04:30 pm: All ethernet cables are routed and connected to gauge controllers
    • 04:48 pm: Power gauge controller up, all gauges are recognised and readout shows atmospheric pressure as expected (1000 mbar)
    • 04:51 pm: End-of-work particle count
      1. : Zone 3
        • 0.3 um: 1413
        • 0.5 um: 872
        • 1 um: 623
      2. : Zone 4
        • 0.3 um: 374
        • 0.5 um: 166
        • 1 um: 166
    We also closed all the valves so we can start testing vacuum pump down of isolated volume tomorrow.

    Entry  Mon Oct 3 17:21:39 2022, Cao, Update, TCS, Inspection of macor parts 7x
    The macor parts arrived and inspected today. These include:
    1. Macor spacer (drawing: LIGO_Redesign_Macor_Spacer_Drawing_v4.pdf attached below), quantities: 40
      • No defects, damages observed
      • Parts are free from grease/ machining fluid
      • Wall thickness of 1 mm appear to provide sufficient stiffness to part
      • Images of parts: Macor_spacer_0.jpg, Macor_spacer_1.jpg
    2. Macor 5-40 UNC screw (drawing: LIGO_Redesign_Macor_Screw_Drawing_v6.pdf attached below), quantities: 20
      • One screw broke, location of break: should edge between head and shaft (see image Macor_screw_5.jpg )
      • All other screws look ok, no damage observed, clean surface overall
      • Images: Macor_screw_0.jpg , Macor_screw_4.jpg
    Entry  Mon Jun 3 14:14:39 2024, Tyler, Update, FLIR, Initial CIT FROSTI Analysis  CIT_FROSTI_Analysis_Group_Meeting-2.pdf

    Attached below are the initial results of the CIT FROSTI testing analysis.

    Entry  Tue Feb 13 11:54:45 2024, Tyler, Configuration, FLIR, In-Air Optical Test Configuration In-air_optical_test_sketch.png

    Below is the proposed schematic for FROSTI optical testing, chosen so enough space is allotted for prototype assembly.

    Steps to be taken include:

    1. Reconstruct FLIR staging apparatus
    2. Move test mass stand-in to cleanroom
    3. Mark FLIR camera position on cleanroom optical table at correct distance
    4. Run ethernet cable into cleanroom
    5. Move FLIR aside to allow for more assembly space
    6. Upon assembly completion, reposition FLIR onto optical table again

    Tentative plan is to begin setup early next week.

    Entry  Tue Mar 19 10:55:30 2024, Tyler, Update, FLIR, In-Air Optical Test FroSTI_Thermal_Profile.png
    Below is an image I took using the FLIR just before leaving for the LVK meeting. The profile is roughly what we would expect (annular). Any distortions seen are likely from the screen not being completely parallel to the plane of the FroSTI (i.e. the screen slightly bends in various locations). Next step: In-vacuum test at CIT.
    Entry  Tue Nov 5 11:08:40 2024, Luis Martin, Update, VAC, ISO Test 

    [Luis, Luke, Ma Michael]

    The isolation test was conducted on the vacuum system. Every pump was turned off under vacuum, and pressure measurements were taken every minute for 15 minutes. The results are displayed in the sheet linked at the end of this report. The pressure of the main volume dropped very slowly.

    The pressure of the RGA Volume dropped in an exponential manner. The test had to be paused at 11 minutes due to concerns about the pressure exceeding the lowest permitted level for the RGA filament.

    After the ISO test was performed, we attempted to tighten the bolts of the small turbo pump on the RGA Volume. However, we noticed that the pressure had increased by nearly an order of magnitude, going from 3.27 × 10-9 Torr to 1.45 × 10-8 Torr when both volumes were separated. We conducted a leak test for that particular flange and found a concerning leak of 2.15 × 10-8 Torr, which had previously been 1.9 × 10-9 Torr. We believe the copper seal was damaged during the ISO test.

    View the results sheet

    Entry  Tue Jun 21 18:31:49 2022, Cassidy and Phoebe, Update, Cameras, IR Absorbing Screen and FLIR Camera Setup IMG_6751.pngIMG_1146.pngIMG_6756.png
    Today we set up the IR absorbing screen and the camera on the optical table, as well as tested that the camera was functioning as expected (picking up heat sources beyond the screen).

    Screen Setup

    The screen was set up by clamping it between two rectangular posts on each side. First, two posts were set up with 22 in. between them (thus allowing the screen to span a total distance of up to 24 in. when clamped down). To best stabilize the screen and to allow for it to be "pulled" taut by exploiting the give in the L-bracket, the L-bracket was bolted on the outside of the post, along the same axis as the screen itself.

    On first attempt, the screen was too thin to be fully clamped between the posts. In order to have it fit snugly, sections of heat shrink tubing was used as a shim at the points where the posts were clamped together. The tubing was slid into the track of one optical post at the desired points. In order to accommodate the shim, the two posts had to be held together, ideally clamped, with the screen and shim in place. Then, the post clamps could be slid into the tracks of the post, moved to the optimal location, and tightened down. This required at least three people: two to tighten one side while the third holds up the screen on the other side. The screen was placed ~1/8" from the edge of the posts and flush with the top.

    Camera Stage Setup

    Once the screen was in place, the camera stage was set up by placing the XY-Translational with Rotation stage on four 3" optical posts. Then, the z-axis stage was placed in the center of that, with another 3" optical post on top, which was then topped with the camera. This was set and clamped down ~22.5" from the screen. This was about 1" closer than expected based on our theoretical models.

    Fine Alignment

    We used the visible camera to fine align the screen and to test the setup. Notably, the visible camera is placed below the infrared and thus requires a calibration in order to ensure the two are aligned on the computer image. This can be set by hand using the FLIR proprietary software (FLIR CamWeb) and adjusting the "MSX alignment". The image mode "Thermal MSX" allows both the visible and IR camera to be displayed at once and the difference in their positioning can be seen. We found an offset of ~0.5m to be nearly accurate (note: using this method, although you can get more accurate than this, the displayed value only has one significant figure).

    In order to align the camera, we first used the exposed top edge to judge whether the camera was appropriately centered on the screen. We set the rotation as close as possible to being in line by eye, then adjusted the y-axis until the gap on both corners was a similar size, thus indicating that the rotation and y-position were correctly set. Rotationally, the camera required only a refinement of -1/2 degree. The y-axis is set at 1.25. Then, the camera was pulled as far from the screen as possible using the x-axis to allow the screen to be easily centered using the z-axis. Once the outlined test mass was centered, the x-axis was used to bring the camera close until the screen just barely filled the field of view. The x-axis is at 2.25. The z axis is set to it full dynamic range at 10. Unfortunately, the camera is still slightly too tall for the screen, likely requiring the purchase of a new optical post about 0.5in shorter the current one. This interchange will likely require a new fine alignment after.

    Basic Imaging Tests

    The camera was also focused on the screen based on the manufacturer's printed distance on the camera itself (using 22.5", or 0.572 m). Using the FLIR proprietary software, the camera appears to be in focus in IR (a hand was used as a good focusing tool for this). Additionally, the camera does pick up heat on the other side of the screen. A hand can be lightly seen warming the screen, as can a soldering iron tip. This was a very imprecise visual tool, but does indicate that the camera and screen are working roughly as expected.

    Next Steps

    A new optical post that is ~2.5" tall should be ordered to replace the one under the camera currently. The heating system also needs to be ordered and set up. Currently we are debating between a parabolic reflector with a hole in the back, and one without, as each would require a different mounting mechanism for the cartridge heater.

    Entry  Mon Apr 3 17:04:05 2023, Aiden, Summary, General, IDP Scroll Pump Assembly IMG_4244.jpg
    Aiden installed the isolation valve and the exhaust silencer kits on the IDP-3 Scroll pump. The entire assembly still needs to be wiped down but overall no residue came off when putting on the kits.
    Entry  Sun Apr 10 15:39:49 2022, Rutuja Gurav, HowTo, Computer Scripts/Programs, HowTo: Renew the Let's Encrypt SSL certificate using certbot 

    Port 80 is kept closed by default. This might be causing the certbot auto-renewal cronjob to fail. Therefore we must renew the certificate manually.

    Step 1: Open port 80. (This is needed as the certificate renewal process runs some tests which requires client communication over port 80)

    Step 2: Run the following command

    sudo certbot certonly --force-renew -d

    Step 3: Confirm the certificate was renewed by running the following command

    sudo certbot certificates

    Entry  Sun May 14 15:50:48 2023, Cao, Infrastructure, Computers, High resolution display of logrus machine 

    The display resolution of the logrus has been 1064x768 and has been the only option, which is not great. While remote access to logrus using rdesktop allows rendering a virtual display of user's chosen resolution, it is not fast when using graphic-intensive program. NoMachine allows user to take over and control the machine remotely and thus appears as the same machine. However, NoMachine cannot render a virtual display like rdesktop. This has been limiting the resolution of using logrus via NoMachine.

    On Friday, I found that even though we had NVIDIA Quadro P600 graphic card installed, we were not actually using it. The monitor has been connecting to the the integrated VGA display connector. This uses Microsoft Basic Display Adapter which limits the the resolution. Today I got a HDMI to Mini-display cable to connector the monitor to the Nvidia graphic card. Then in Display settings, go to Graphic settings, then enable Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling. After restarting the machine, the machine recognised the Display 2using the Nvidia Quadro P600. In multiple displays field, selected "Show only on 2" and remove the VGA connection to the monitor. Logrus is now set at Nvidia Qadro P600 native display resolution of 1920x1080. This is now also the display resolution in NoMachine.

    Entry  Fri Sep 6 14:34:52 2024, Luke , Update, VAC, Heating tape work 

    On the 5th I had tried to start baking the vacuum chamber however certain parts of the chamber were getting too hot and causing the controllers to shut off. So I turned them off so that the next day I could rearrange the temperature probes. I then on the 6th set them up so that instead of overshooting the temperature they would be a little low in places.

    After being left over night the cooler parts of the vacuum chamber got much closer to the desired temperature of 120C.

    Here is a table of the temperatures of the sections of the chamber. Note: After these measurements were taken the PID controllers were set to 125C.

    Location   Temperature (C)
    Lid (PID controller 1 emergency shutoff) 108
    Barrel lower (PID controller 1) 120 
    Barrel upper (PID controller 2 emergency shutoff) 118
    RGA volume (PID controller 2) 120

    Here is a table of temperature of the flanges that have electronics.

    Electronics Temperature (C)
    Pressure gauge (Main volume) 79
    Main turbo pump 64
    RGA 51
    Pressure gauge (RGA volume) 55
    Cal leak 47
    Mini turbo pump 50
    Pirani gauge 45 

    Other temperatures of note:

    The optical table was about 38C

    The cleanroom was around 33C (~91F)

    Entry  Wed Jun 14 15:35:36 2023, Pamella, Update, VAC, Heating system installation  heater_equipment_install.jpg
    [Pamella and Cao]
      Heating system installation - Second day.
    • Today we kept installing the equipment for the heating system.
    • First: Started installing the two heating cable around the chamber vacuum, the arms and covered it with aluminum tape.
    • Second: Started installing the insulation stuff around the vacuum chamber and around the connections points (the arms) in the vacuum chamber.
    • Third:Started installing the heater system (electronic device) and tried testing.
      • Note: The around part of the chamber vacuum was difficult to cover, so we spent a little time on. Also one heater system electronic device wasn't working because one fuse is burned so we could not finished this part and we need wait for a new one to replace and working on it.
    Entry  Tue Sep 3 15:52:56 2024, Luke, Update, VAC, Heater tape initilization  

    [Luke, Tyler, Jon]

    On the 3rd we set up the pid controllers for the heater tapes and after putting on the insulation we started heating them up. We first brought it to ~50C and let it stabilize, there was about a 6-7 degree difference between the RGA and the barrel temperature, with the barrel being higher. We then brought it to 60 then 70C it still maintained the slight difference between the RGA and barrel temperatures.

    Here is a table of the temperatures of the flanges connected to electronics as I left it.

    Electronics Temperature (C)
    Pressure gauge (Main volume) 58
    Main turbo pump 45
    RGA 37
    Pressure gauge (RGA volume) 39
    Cal leak 40
    Mini tubo pump 36
    Pirani gauge 37

    Notes: I removed the electronics from the pressure gauge (main volume) because while it was below the required threshold it was still quite high compared to the other flanges.

    Entry  Mon Jun 12 18:52:00 2023, Pamella, Update, General, Heater system parts - Wiped and bagged heater_equipment_wiped.jpg
      Cleaning the heater system parts.
    • 04:32 pm: Started wiping the heater system parts.
    • 06:38 pm: Finished wiping the heater and some parts to the system. I wiped, tagged and bagged the heater system, power cables, adapter cables and power connectors. Also I wiped, bagged and tagged the aluminum foil tape.
    • 06:43 pm: I putted all bags inside the cleanroom.
    • To do: I started but I was not able to finished wiping the heating and cords for the heater system so I will finished this parts after.
    • I attached the photos below.
      Entry  Tue Jun 20 17:28:23 2023, Pamella, Update, Electronics, Heater system parts - Wiped  IMG_7696.jpg
        Heating system
        Wiping the heater system parts.
      • 04:37 pm: Started wiping the electronic device part for the heater system (HL101 Series Digital Benchtop temperature limit control).
      • 05:19 pm: Finished wiping the parts to the heater system (HL101 Series Digital Benchtop temperature limit control). I wiped the HL101 Series Digital Benchtop temperature limit control and I didn't bagged and tagged because we should install that soon.
      • 05:23 pm: I putted heater electronic device inside the cleanroom without the bag. Also the electronic device is near to the vacuum chamber and the other parts to heater system.
      • I attached the photo below.
      Entry  Tue Jun 13 21:08:46 2023, Pamella, Infrastructure, VAC, Heater system - Installation IMG_7563.jpegIMG_7561.jpeg
      [Pamella, Cao and Jon]
        Heating system installation
      • Today we started installing the equipments for the heating system.
      • First: Started installing the heating cable on the top lid and covered it with aluminum tape.
      • Second: Started installing the insulation cover on top of the chamber lid.
      • Third:Started installing the heating cable from under the vacuum chamber and covered with aluminum tape.
      • Forth: Started installing the insulation cover under the vacuum chamber
      • Note: The under part of the chamber vacuum was very difficult to cover, so we spent a little time on it and we couldn't finish the whole installation today. So tomorrow we should be able to keep doing the installation.
      Entry  Mon Jan 27 11:29:38 2025, Xuesi Ma, Update, , Heater Element Test 20250124_165434.png20250124_165342.png

      [Ma, Cece, Luke, Mary, Shane]

      On Friday (Jan 24), we installed the heater elements on the stand. The heater elements are arranged from 1 to 8, oriented from right to left as shown in Attachment 1. Each wire has been labeled according to its corresponding element number and type (e.g., RTD connections, heater connections).

      Note: We currently do not have enough PEEK zip ties, so standard zip ties have been used temporarily. These must be replaced with PEEK zip ties before the setup is placed in the vacuum chamber.

      Entry  Mon Feb 5 14:17:52 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, Heater Element RGA Scan bake10_240205_Elements_ArO.pngbake10_240205_Elements_ArC.png
      Here are the new RGA scans for the powered Heater elements. The pressure at the time of taking data was 2.88 e-8 torr. The HC levels are at 40 e-10 torrl/s which is not bad but still higher than the lowest we have recorded.
      Entry  Thu Feb 8 17:37:48 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, Heater Element RGA Scan bake10_240208_Elements_ArO.pngbake10_240208_Elements_ArC.png
      Took more RGA data now that the heaters are powered by 18V. The pressure of the system during the data taking was 3.8 e-8 torr. The RGA scans seem to have gotten worse as well with this power increase.
      Entry  Mon Feb 12 17:35:47 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, Heater Element RGA Scan bake10_240212_Elements_ArO.pngbake10_240212_Elements_ArC.pngbake10_240212_Elements_300C_ArC.png
      Took more RGA data before and after increasing the heater elements to 300 degC and before heating them up.

      Started Bake 11 as well to hopefully prevent any hydrocarbons from getting captured by the room temperature walls of the chamber. The PID controllers were set to 100C.
      Entry  Mon Feb 19 14:17:50 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, Heater Element RGA Scan bake11_240219_Elements_ArO.png
      Three days after the completion of Bake 11, the Heater elements RGA scan looks much cleaner. The HC level is back down to 33 e-10 torrl/s with the pressure at 2.13 e-8 torr. I could not take a= scan with the Argon closed as it was left open during the bake and not closed since then.
      Entry  Fri Jan 31 15:03:09 2025, Xuesi Ma, Update, , Heater Element Circuit Check 

      [Ma] Wed 1/29/2025

      No short circuit between heater element ✓

      No short circuit to ground on any pin ✓

      No short circuit between connectors ✓

      Heater Number Power Resistor before (Ohm) Power Resistor now (Ohm) RTD Resistor before (Ohm) RTD Resistor now (Ohm)
      1 73.6 73.1 81.8 81.3
      2 70.4 69.6 82.1 81.6
      3 71 70.5 84.5 84
      4 71.5 71 80 79.4
      5 70.5 70.2 81.7 81.2
      6 72 71.6 79.4 78.7
      7 69.2 69 78.2 77.5
      8 71.1 70.6 84.2 83.6
      Entry  Mon Jul 11 14:29:45 2022, Jon, Omnistructure, General, HEPA filter installed IMG_1530.png
      Today I unpacked and installed the new HEPA filter for the lab. It is an Omni CleanAir OCA1210 capable of 1200 CFM. This flow rate is sufficient to turn over the air in the room once every 4 minutes, or 14 times per hour. Hopefully this will cut down on our particulate accumulation issues.
      Entry  Tue Feb 18 10:02:16 2025, Xuesi Ma, Update, , Group Meeting Slides 2/18/2025

      Entry  Wed Oct 2 10:31:46 2024, Xuesi Ma, Configuration, , Group Meeting Slides 10/2/2024 Group_Meeting_10_2.pdf

      Group Meeting slides for Non-deterministic Heater Response.

          Reply  Thu Apr 27 21:43:07 2023, Jon, Physics, VAC, Grounding vacuum system IMG_0141.pngIMG_0140.png

      This afternoon I made up a green 10 AWG grounding cable and connected it to the vacuum system.

      One end is tightly connected to the bottom flange of the vacuum chamber (photo 1). It is run along and up the table framing to the top of the cleanroom, where it exits into the overhead cable tray in the same location as the other power cables. It drops down from the top of the server rack all the way to the bottom, where the other end is connected to the lab's electrical ground in the rear of the 240 V UPS (photo 2).

      The connections were confirmed to be secure, but continuity testing with an ohmmeter remains to be done to confirm that the chamber and tabletop are indeed grounded.

          Reply  Fri Apr 28 18:16:57 2023, Cao, Physics, VAC, Grounding vacuum system 


      This afternoon I made up a green 10 AWG grounding cable and connected it to the vacuum system.

      One end is tightly connected to the bottom flange of the vacuum chamber (photo 1). It is run along and up the table framing to the top of the cleanroom, where it exits into the overhead cable tray in the same location as the other power cables. It drops down from the top of the server rack all the way to the bottom, where the other end is connected to the lab's electrical ground in the rear of the 240 V UPS (photo 2).

      The connections were confirmed to be secure, but continuity testing with an ohmmeter remains to be done to confirm that the chamber and tabletop are indeed grounded.



      Continuity Test

      Following from Jon's grounding work on the vacuum system, I did a continuity test with the afternoon with a multimeter. The chamber is indeed grounded:
      • Chamber wall to optical table: continuity confirmed, resistance: 0 Ohm
      • Chamber wall to ground point connection on chamber: continuity confirmed, resistance: 0 Ohm
      • Turbo pump to ground point connection on chamber: continuity confirmed, resistance: 0 Ohm
      • Turbo pump to optical table: continuity confirmed, resistance: 0 Ohm
      • Optical table to chassis frame outside cleanroom: continuity confirmed, resistance: 0 Ohm
      • Front of chassis frame to earth point: continuity confirmed, resistance: 0 Ohm

      Entry  Tue Aug 1 16:22:35 2023, Celeste, Update, TCS, Graphical Updates to HOM RH Modification, Tuesday 8/1 HOM_RH_Simulation_Progress_80123.pdf
      Slides 20-33 are newly added (data/graphs from parameter sweep feature-1/8th heater unit length varied from 10% of original to 100% of original).
      Entry  Fri Jul 28 17:45:45 2023, Celeste, Update, TCS, Graphical Updates to HOM RH Modification, Friday 7/28 HOM_RH_Simulation_Progress.pdf
      Updated 1/8th Heater simulation modification graphs. Slides 7, 10, 16-19 are new additions.
      Entry  Thu Jul 27 10:18:43 2023, Celeste, Update, TCS, Graphical Updates to HOM RH Modification HOM_RH_1_8_Unit_Modification_Graphs.pdf
      Attached are updated graphs of the irradiance distribution from the 1/8th ring heater units (extruded and reduced in length).
      Entry  Sun Jul 16 15:21:56 2023, Pamella, Update, General, General update about some problems in the lab. IMG_8637.jpgIMG_8633.jpgIMG_8631.jpg
        General information about the lab facility.
        1. Changed sticky floor mats, because close to entrance the cleanroom, both sticky floor had a many died ants on top.
        2. The light on top of the internet cable bridge is burned out.. I just saw this today but I am not sure if was like this before.
        3. The ant bait traps seem very efficient and right now only a few ants are running around in the lab, most are dead in the bait traps, so probably in a day or two we can change those bait traps.
      Entry  Tue Feb 20 11:31:49 2024, Tyler, Update, Cleanroom, Garment Cabinet Door Replacement image_67190529.JPGimage_67177473.JPG
      [Luis, Luke, Pooyan, Tyler]

      The replacement door for the HEPA garment cabinet arrived last week, and was installed on Thursday. However, it looks like there's a small gap between the door and where the hinge is attached to the cabinet frame. No screws were provided with the replacement door. If we want to perform any adjustments, we have to be very careful; the screws break very easily.

      Entry  Tue Jan 21 10:12:02 2025, Luke , Summary, General, Frosti toy model  

      [Luke, Liu]

      Over the winter break I have been working on this desmos toy model of the Frosti. There are still a few rough spots but I belive that it is a good visual representation of a 2D slice of the frosti. 

      Entry  Fri Jun 28 10:43:13 2024, Xuejun, Update, Cleanroom, Frosti frosti.jpgchassis.jpg
      [Xuejun, Tyler]

      We moved Frosti into the cleanroom and debugged it to make sure everything was working. One of the DB25 pins broke off at the connector for element 1 so it needed to be recrimped. Element 6 short circuited but fixed with adjustment to the heater power pin position. We connected the power and sensor connectors to the power box and recalibrated the RTD sensors.

      Entry  Fri Jul 5 13:17:44 2024, Liu, Update, Interferometer Simulations, Four-quadrant FROSTI-like RH for astigmatic thermal actuation for CE optics 7x
      In the CE corner layout design and down selection study, interferometer layouts with large incidence angles on some of the curved optics are being considered, such as the folding mirrors in the "long crab". This however generates astigmatic beams upon reflection and results in mode mismatches in coupled cavities that need to be mitigated. Astigmatic thermal actuation for the optics involved is thus essential. One way we are considering is to implement a FROSTI-like barrel RH that delivers different irradiance for the four quadrants. This post summarizes primitive results on the astigmatic thermal actuation for the HR surface by powering the heater elements from one diagonal differently compared to the other.

      For this study, we looked at a simple case with an aLIGO-like test mass geometry (R=0.17m, H=0.2m) plus a barrel RH with 0.02m width at 0.03m from the AR surface with FEniCSx. The irradiance profiles are constant inside the width along the longitudinal direction, and zero outside the width. For the baseline non-astigmatic actuation with constant irradiance azimuthally. We have obtained roughly equal quadratic actuations along the x and y directions, as shown in figure. The total delivered power on the entire barrel is normalized to 1 W. The actuation on the curvature per power Delta S/Delta P in this non-astigmatic case thus is 0.835 uD/W.

      For the astigmatic case however, the irradiance for the regions from one diagonal is increased by a given amount, compared to the non-astigmatic case, whereas for the other diagonal regions is decreased by the same amount (thus the total power is unchanged at 1 W). The HR deformation when the power is changed by 50%, for instance, is shown in picture, where the deformation along the x direction is larger than the y direction. The deformation in each direction however remains quadratic, with different curvature per powers for the x and y components, as shown in plot. The actuation on the curvature per power for an increasing amount of astigmatism is shown in plot. In terms of Zernike polynomials, the maximum amount of Z22 (astigmatism) for 1 W of total power is 2um while the remaining curvature content (Z20) is 6nm. This is shown in plot.

      Entry  Tue May 2 17:03:14 2023, Jon, Cao, Physics, VAC, First pump-down test of vacuum chamber PXL_20230502_203343616.jpgPXL_20230502_210234897.MP.jpg

      [Jon, Cao]

      1. Re-routing of cables

      We re-routed the connections between the turbo pump and its fan to the controller. Instead of going through the side of the server rack, they are now routed along the the cable tray and came down from the top of the server rack.

      2. Planning for vacuum assembly re-configuration

      While preparing for our first pump-down, we notices that RGA pump line gate valve, at its fully closed position, is higher than the height of the chamber lid. The full range gauge attached to the RGA line, while not that high, can also cause obstruction during removal/ installation of the vacuum lid. The calibrated leak, eventhough is now running within the perimeter of the optical table, it stills introduce weak points that are susceptible to damage if personnel installing chamber lid may lean onto it. Thus we made a few suggested modification to the vacuum chamber assembly:
      • Move the entire RGA arm to the mirrored CF port, where the Up-to-Air valve is at
      • Move the Up-to-Air valve to the calibrated leak port
      • Move the calibrated Ar leak the main chamber full-range gauge port
      • Move the full-range gauge to the RGA line port

      3. First test pump-down

      1. With all valves closed, we started scroll pump, pump line quickly got down to 6.08 mbar from atmospheric 1000 mbar (measured by Pirani gauge, channel 3 on controller )
      2. We open Lesker angled valve and let the RGA arm pumped down, Pirani gauge read 6.3 mbar while the full-range guage on RGA line reads 4.9 mbar ( channel 1 on controller )
      3. We open the pump line gate to expose the pump to the main volume, all gaugues readout immediate rise back up 1000 mbar. After 3 minutes, we started to see channel 3 slowly dropped down. A minute later channel 1 and 2 (main body) also dropped down. The slow pressure dropping speed and 6.3 mbar measured earlier got us suspected that there is some large leaks
      4. We proceed to tighten all the ports as the vacuum is pumped down. In particular, we found that large feedthrough port still required a lot of tightening up
      5. As we tighten up all the ports, after 40 minutes, the gauges are now
        • Channel 1 : RGA line full-range gauge: 2.55E-1 mbar
        • Channel 2 : Main chamber full-range gauge: 2.60E-1 mbar
        • Channel 3 : Pump line Pirani gauge: 2.94E-1 mbar
        Compare this to the scroll pump manual , Table 1, page 3, the ultimate pressure of the scroll pump is 2.5E-1 Torr (3.3E-1 mbar), we thus managed to achieve scroll pump ultimate pressure
      6. Turn on turbo pump : Change turbo pump controller from REMOTE to FRONT PANEL mode by pressing both "COUNTERS" and "MEASURE" buttons at the same time, select "MODE=FRONT"
      7. Shorting interlock pin: since we do not have an interlock signal for the controller, use the provided DB-9 connector that has pin 3 and 8 shorted and connect this to the P1 IN connection at the rear of the controller (see attachment 1 )
      8. Press "START" on the controller to start the turbo pump
      9. The pressure readout from the gauges quickly dropped down. After 3 minutes, the Pirani range is maxed out at 0.5E-3 mbar. After 20 minutes, we recorded the following values:
        • Channel 1 : RGA line full-range gauge: 1.50E-5 mbar
        • Channel 2 : Main chamber full-range gauge: 1.89E-5 mbar
        • Channel 3 : Pump line Pirani gauge: 5.0E-4 mbar
        This is Medium vacuum , we want to further reduce this by 2 orders of magnitude. However, we can run RGA test + helium leak test at this pressure
      10. Turn off turbo pump, wait for 10 minutes, turn off scroll pump, open Up-to-Air valve, all pressure gauges indicated pressure returned back to atmospheric pressure

      3. To-do actions

      • Run RGA test to get information about contamination status of vacuum
      • Implement suggested changes in section 2
      • Check and modify suspected poor connection: Pirani gauge on pump line. A gap can be seen between connection. There's no good way to tighten it with the screw. Maybe use threaded pin + hex bolt?
      • Controller communications
      Entry  Fri Jul 28 18:03:07 2023, Pamella, Update, FLIR, Final plot - FLIR 29Combined_HighTemp_Gaussian_Plot.jpg3Combined_HighTemp_Gaussian_Plot.jpgcalibration_plot(2).png
        1. I was able to plot the final result with the data to the heater. I attached below the "3Combined_HighTemp_Gaussian_Plot." in this plot we can see better behavior on the Gaussian compared to the plot in ELOG 169, I was using the same data but with a different approach. On the ELOG 169, we have the center point isolated data and this new plot is the temperature more than 70 C isolated because we have a very good heater temperature distinguish do background. For the all data I got I was using a power current of 0.20A. To get the data I waited for 30 minutes until the heater became stable and after that, I started to take snaps, I took more than one snap for each one different 6 positions on the screen, and We can see the positions on ELOG 167.
        2. Also I attached the calibration plot ("calibration_plot") between the measurements with the FLIR camera and thermocouple and we can see looks good if we compare the final plot.
        3. For better analyses I attached a plot of the calibration line on the Gaussian plot.
        4. To do: I will finish the final report.
      Entry  Tue Feb 18 10:12:39 2025, Tyler, Update, TCS, Final RIN Plot Update Preliminary_RIN_plot.pdfFROSTI_ON.pdfDark_Noise.pdfADC_Noise.pdf

      Below is a preview of the final RIN figure that will be included in the FROSTI instrument paper. A quick summary of what is shown below:

      The original RIN CSD measurement is shown on the top panel in red. Frequency bins that exhibit external electronics noise (ex. ADC, photodetector noise, etc.) are identified and shaded in gray. These noisy bins are then excluded from the dataset before beginning the next step in the analysis process: rebinning. Here, the resolution of the spectrum can be changed by averaging frequency bins together within a specified interval, with the goal of pushing the measurement curve closer to the A+ requirement shown in the figure. For demonstration below, the spectrum goes from a resolution of ~0.93 Hz to 14.90 Hz.

      ELOG V3.1.3-7933898