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Entry  Fri Dec 15 14:03:02 2023, Aiden, HowTo, VAC, Vacuum Chamber Opening 

1. Turn off the RGA filament and disconnect it.

2. Record the pressure and then close the angle valve and gate valve on the RGA line to isolate it from the system.

3. Turn off the backing and turbo pump and let the turbo pump spin to a stop by slowly leaking the chamber. The slower the safer.

4.Slowly open the vents on the chamber and the turbo pump. Making sure not to raise the pressure too fast.

5. Once done venting the chamber, open the lid by removing the bolts and prying the lid open with a long flat head screw driver.

6. Removed previous parts and placed them into clean bags. Place new parts inside of the chamber and group them together close to the center.

7. Place the lid back onto the chamber and tighten the bolts in a circular pattern until tightened all the way with the wrench.

8. Make sure all vents are closed and turn the backing pump back on.

9. The turbo pump can be turned back on when the pressure reaches e-1 torr.

10. Wait until the chamber reaches a pressure of e-6 torr before opening the angle and gate valve on the RGA line. After the RGA line is open and the pressure is still below e-6 torr, the RGA filament can be turned on and a leak test of the lid should be performed.

11. After the leak test shows no leaks, proceed with starting the low temp bake.

Entry  Sun Dec 17 19:43:18 2023, Aiden, Update, VAC, Vac Heating Update 

I measured the temperature of the flanges where some of the electronics will go and I found that the RGA flange was at 55C and the two full range gauges were at 65C. I also stopped bake 9 to cool down for measurement.

Entry  Mon Dec 18 15:51:49 2023, Aiden, Update, VAC, VAC System Heating Update 
After letting the chamber cool down I put the electronics back on and turned the RGA element back on. No data has been taken yet as to let the pressure continue to fall as the RGA is powered.
Entry  Tue Dec 19 15:45:05 2023, Aiden, Update, VAC, Vacuum Chamber Baking Update bake9_231219_Macor_ArO.pngbake9_231219_Macor_ArC.png
Took RGA data for the macor parts inside of the chamber. With the Ar open the HC levels read 30 torrl/s which is around where it was before the bake.
Entry  Mon Jan 8 20:24:53 2024, Aiden, Update, General,  IMG_4888.jpgIMG_4886.jpgIMG_4887.jpg
[Jon, Aiden]

Installed the heater elements into their fixture and prepped the cables by twisting the wires into pairs. We also installed the pins onto the wires and placed them into the peek DB 25 connector. The installation tool we had did not fit the pin size we had so the pins needed to be installed by hand by opening the connector and holding them in place. In the future we will need to make sure we twist the wires together, group them, and then splice them all to the same size for easier installation. We then grouped all the twisted pairs into a bundle and zipped them together. On the left with two peek zip ties is the power and on the right is the RTD with one peek zip tie. This orientation remains true when looking at the feed through flange from the outside with the power port on closest to the wall.

We also installed the heater elements numbered 1-8 starting from the left in image 3. These elements have numbers as resistance data was taken before as to identify the heaters after they are in the chamber. After installing the DB 25 connectors we tested that the pins were in the right orientation by using a volt meter and testing the resistance where the cable runs into the the actual power supply. It seems that all the pins were properly installed and the resistance values all match with each one gaining about 2 Ohms from the cable itself.

Then the pump down was started. The pump was very slow and we suspected a leak but after changing the o-ring pump down was not any faster and we decided to leave it over break as it seemed to just be water outgassing from the aluminum. The chamber is now able to be RGA scanned and leak tested before the next bake as it is low enough pressure.

Entry  Tue Jan 9 16:35:09 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, VAC System Leak and Heating 
[Luis, Luke, Aiden]

Leak tested each flange and weld and only found two flanges to have noticeable leaks with the electron multiplier on. These were the turbo pump flange and the RGA flange that connects to the cross. The RGA one is rather new as it has not had a measurable leak before and it was around 2 e-8. We then applied the new sealant to these two flanges as directed by the instructions on the packaging.

Then after waiting a few minutes for the sealant to dry we started the bake. We got the PID controllers set to 120 after many steps and we checked the temperature of the flanges throughout this increase. The flanges never reached 70C with the electronics still left on it. The RGA was left on as well.

Entry  Tue Jan 16 16:11:41 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC,  bake10_240116_Elements_ArO.pngbake10_240116_Elements_ArC.png

Below is the data for the most recent bake. I believe the chamber is cleaner than it is actually showing as the RGA data was still getting lower while the data was being taken. I will take the data again tomorrow just in case. Still, the data shows that the chamber is basically as clean as it was before bake 10 and this means further power testing can proceed.

Helium leak tested the chamber again today to check if the sealant changed anything. The two primary target flanges from last time have improved significantly with the flange from the RGA on the cross now being below 2e-14. While the turbo pump flange was leaking at a rate of 4e-13. Much better than what it has been before.

Entry  Wed Jan 17 15:47:49 2024, Aiden, Update, General, Resistors for Heater Elements 
Power Res (Ohm) RTD Res (Ohm)

Heater 1= 73.6; 81.8

Heater 2= 70.4; 82.1

Heater 3= 71; 84.5

Heater 4= 71.5; 80

Heater 5= 70.5; 81.7

Heater 6= 72; 79.4

Heater 7= 69.2; 78.2

Heater 8= 71.1; 84.2

Entry  Thu Jan 18 15:13:37 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, VAC Heating System Update bake10_240118_Elements_ArO.pngJanuary_18_Ar_Open_Elements_Analyzed.png

Took more data today and the chamber and elements are showing an even lower HC level than we have gotten before. It is safe to say that the elements are not contaminated and out gassing HC into the chamber.

Entry  Fri Feb 2 19:08:20 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, 1st Hot Element RGA Scan bake10_240202_Elements_ArC.pngbake10_240202_Elements_ArO.png
Here are the measurements for the RGA scan of the elements while on at around 160C. The pressure of the chamber during the test was 4.12 e-8 torr.
Entry  Mon Feb 5 14:17:52 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, Heater Element RGA Scan bake10_240205_Elements_ArO.pngbake10_240205_Elements_ArC.png
Here are the new RGA scans for the powered Heater elements. The pressure at the time of taking data was 2.88 e-8 torr. The HC levels are at 40 e-10 torrl/s which is not bad but still higher than the lowest we have recorded.
Entry  Thu Feb 8 17:37:48 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, Heater Element RGA Scan bake10_240208_Elements_ArO.pngbake10_240208_Elements_ArC.png
Took more RGA data now that the heaters are powered by 18V. The pressure of the system during the data taking was 3.8 e-8 torr. The RGA scans seem to have gotten worse as well with this power increase.
Entry  Mon Feb 12 17:35:47 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, Heater Element RGA Scan bake10_240212_Elements_ArO.pngbake10_240212_Elements_ArC.pngbake10_240212_Elements_300C_ArC.png
Took more RGA data before and after increasing the heater elements to 300 degC and before heating them up.

Started Bake 11 as well to hopefully prevent any hydrocarbons from getting captured by the room temperature walls of the chamber. The PID controllers were set to 100C.
Entry  Tue Feb 13 12:34:04 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, VAC Heating System Update bake10_240118_Elements_ArO.png
Here is an overlay with for all the heating steps done with the heater elements.
Entry  Mon Feb 19 14:17:50 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, Heater Element RGA Scan bake11_240219_Elements_ArO.png
Three days after the completion of Bake 11, the Heater elements RGA scan looks much cleaner. The HC level is back down to 33 e-10 torrl/s with the pressure at 2.13 e-8 torr. I could not take a= scan with the Argon closed as it was left open during the bake and not closed since then.
Entry  Tue Feb 20 18:08:24 2024, Aiden, Update, General, Degassing the RGA bake11_240220_Elements_postdegas_ArO.pngbake11_240220_Elements_predegas_ArO.png
I took an RGA measurement before and after degassing the RGA. Both data was taken with the Argon open. The pressure before taking data was 2.39 e-8 torr in the main volume. Note that the main chamber was fully valved off for the degas and the main chamber pressure quickly rose to e-6 torr. Further investigation of this rise should be done as this might be the main culprit for the leaking.
Entry  Mon Feb 26 15:15:39 2024, Aiden, Update, General, Vacuum Chamber Baking Update 
Started Bake 12 on Wednesday Feb. 21 and turned the bake off on Saturday Feb. 24. This was a normal low temp bake with the PID controllers set to 110 degC.
Entry  Fri Mar 15 16:58:55 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, Vacuum Chamber Frosti Testing bake12_240314_Empty_ArC.pngbake12_240314_Empty_ArO.png
[Luke, Luis, Aiden] On Thursday, March 14 - Took preliminary RGA scans of the empty chamber to compare later on. Vented the chamber and placed the FROSTI into the chamber. Plugged in the DB-25 connectors into the feed through port and checked the connection to make sure there were no shorts before closing the chamber and starting the pumps again. On Friday, March 15 - The pressure in the chamber has come down to 7 e-6 torr. It seems to be coming down much slower despite the little time the chamber was left open for. This may be due to the FROSTI being out on the table for so long and a bake may be needed to bring the pressure down to near UHV.
Entry  Tue Mar 19 15:22:27 2024, Aiden, Update, Clean & Bake, FROSTI Legs Clean and Bake 
[Aiden, Luke]

Cleaned and baked the Cal Tech FROSTI legs and showed Luke the procedure on how to clean parts.

Entry  Sun Mar 24 11:49:27 2024, Aiden, Update, General, FROSTI RGA Scan bake13_240324_FROSTI_ArC.pngbake13_240324_FROSTI_ArO.png
Took RGA data 1 day after the conclusion of Bake 13. Bake 13 ended on Saturday March 23, the RGA data shown was taken on Sunday March 24. The scan shows that the FROSTI is very clean with no outgassing. The HC levels are at 25 e-10. The pressure in the chamber was also a 1.64 e-8 Torr.
Entry  Sun Mar 24 11:50:37 2024, Aiden, Update, Clean & Bake, Cal Tech FROSTI Parts 
Bagged the FROSTI legs and feet after the conclusion of the clean and bake. They are double bagged and sitting in the flow bench.
Entry  Mon May 13 14:48:27 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, New Vacuum Chamber Design VaccumChamberAssembly__Redesign_v5.jpg
I created a new model for the vacuum chamber based on the ideas from last week's meeting.

It should be noted that we can not have the zero length reducer and the gate valve on the same arm as they both have blind tapped holes. We need to decide if we want the gate valve or not as if we do, we will need to use the 3 inch long reducer.

Important Measurements:

From the back of the flange to the back of the RGA: 25.25 in

Height from bottom of the blank to the bottom of the chamber: 2.75 in

Entry  Mon Jun 3 09:24:48 2024, Aiden, Update, VAC, Vacuum Chamber Rendering VaccumChamberAssembly__Redesign_with_tee.jpgVaccumChamberAssembly__Redesign_with_tee_top.png
Here is a new render of the vacuum chamber that includes the 2.75 tee to place the Argon leak right next to the RGA. The conical reducer under the spherical cube was also replaced with a 4.5 blank. The height from the bottom of the blank to the bottom face of the chamber is 5.45". With the chamber now on 1" standoffs, we will need a support with a height of 6.45".
Entry  Mon May 1 17:10:25 2023, Julian, Cao, Physics, VAC, Installing Pirani gauge and RGA probe onto to vacuum chamber PXL_20230501_225241491.jpgPXL_20230501_235854958.jpgPXL_20230501_234750795.MP.jpg

[Julian, Cao]

  • 03:00 pm: Particle count
    1. : Zone 3
      • 0.3 um: 498
      • 0.5 um: 124
      • 1 um: 124
    2. : Zone 4
      • 0.3 um: 748
      • 0.5 um: 457
      • 1 um: 374
  • 03:32 pm: Installing Pirani gauge onto pump line
  • 03:51 pm: Finish installing Pirani gauge, start installing RGA probe
  • 04:03 pm: Finish installing PRGA probe, start routing cable from gauge controller to Pirani gauge
  • 04:30 pm: All ethernet cables are routed and connected to gauge controllers
  • 04:48 pm: Power gauge controller up, all gauges are recognised and readout shows atmospheric pressure as expected (1000 mbar)
  • 04:51 pm: End-of-work particle count
    1. : Zone 3
      • 0.3 um: 1413
      • 0.5 um: 872
      • 1 um: 623
    2. : Zone 4
      • 0.3 um: 374
      • 0.5 um: 166
      • 1 um: 166
We also closed all the valves so we can start testing vacuum pump down of isolated volume tomorrow.

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