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Message ID: 51     Entry time: Tue Mar 14 18:21:41 2023
Author: Aiden 
Type: Summary 
Category: General 
Subject: Clean and Bake batch 8 
Starting off Peter and I refilled the deionized water barrel. Then Aiden Cleaned and Bake the FROSTI arms and bases in liquinox for 5 minutes. Then placed them in the oven where they will undergo the following steps; 1. Ramp to 100 degC in 15 min. 2. Dwell at 100 degC for 30 min. 3. Ramp to 120 degC in 30 min. 4. Dwell at 120 degC for 48 hours. 5. OFF Also cleaned the 2.75 MDC Gate valve for 20 minutes (10 minutes each side) in liquinox. It looks significantly cleaner in areas I could not reach before. However some areas like the flat bottom threaded holes are still very dirty. I also made sure to dry it thoroughly and wrapped it in UHV foil until I further cleaning is decided.
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898