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  294   Sun Dec 17 21:04:15 2023 JonInfrastructureClean & BakeClean and bake lab migrated to 1129

[Jon, Tyler, Aiden, Luke]

On Friday we completed assembly of the new stainless steel-topped benches in 1129. We then moved the clean and bake equipment from 1119 to its new larger space in 1129. This included the HEPA flow bench, ultrasonic washer, deionized water drum, nitrogen tanks, and forced-convection oven. The oven was re-anchored to the wall with earthquake restraints in its new location.

The power cords still need to be permanently routed, but the new clean and bake lab is otherwise ready for use.

  297   Wed Dec 20 10:33:34 2023 JonInfrastructureClean & BakeClean and bake lab migrated to 1129

Update: I have completed permanent routing of the electrical cables. I also ran the ultrasonic washer's drain line to the sink drain (the current hose does reach). The new clean and bake lab is now fully operational.


[Jon, Tyler, Aiden, Luke]

On Friday we completed assembly of the new stainless steel-topped benches in 1129. We then moved the clean and bake equipment from 1119 to its new larger space in 1129. This included the HEPA flow bench, ultrasonic washer, deionized water drum, nitrogen tanks, and forced-convection oven. The oven was re-anchored to the wall with earthquake restraints in its new location.

The power cords still need to be permanently routed, but the new clean and bake lab is otherwise ready for use.


  303   Mon Jan 15 22:29:34 2024 JonInfrastructureGeneralCabinet installation & lab clean-up completed

[Jon, Tyler, Aiden, Shane, Pooyan, Michael, Cynthia, Luke]

On Wednesday, we completed long list of work towards making the new lab (1129) fully operational and enabling the next phase of FROSTI testing. 

Cabinet Installation

Three new VWR cabinets with sliding glass doors were installed in 1129. Each unit measures 48" (W) x 22" (D) x 84" (H) and sits along the back wall (see attachment 1). The 350-lb. cabinets were laid in place by Facilities on Monday and permanentized on Wednesday. Work included:

  • Earthquake anchoring to the masonry wall
  • Sliding glass doors leveled
  • Shelving installed
  • Wiping down of interior and exterior surfaces with IPA wipes

Server Rack Installation

A new Tripp Lite 42U open-frame rack was laid in place in 1129 and anchored to the floor (see attachment 1). This rack will house all of our general-purpose and simulation computers, which will be relocated from the 1119 rack at a later time.

Lab Clean-Up

Following installation of the new cabinets and rack, we proceeded to organize and clean both labs. Work included:

  • Moved parts and equipment into permanent storage in 1129 cabinets
  • Wiped down surfaces in 1119 and 1129 with polypropylene IPA wipes
  • HEPA-vacuumed floors of 1119 and 1129
  • Mopped floor in 1119 with Liquinox solution
  • Installed new sticky mats in 1119 and 1129
  • Regular cleanroom cleaning and particle counts (see 302)
  • Positioned new stainless steel gowning bench outside the cleanroom (see attachment 2)

At this point, the only piece of lab equipment still to be delivered is a HEPA garment cabinet for reusing our (semi-disposable) bunny suits. It is schedule to arrive in mid-February and will sit outside the cleanroom in 1119, in the former location of the HEPA flow bench.

  330   Tue Feb 20 08:01:30 2024 JonInfrastructureGeneralPower and network equipment installed in 1129 rack
[Jon, Tyler, Pooyan, Luis, Luke, Peter]

On Thursday we installed the power conditioning/distribution equipment and networking equipment in the new 1129 rack. The hardware is identical to the setup in the 1119 rack and includes:

  • Tripp Lite SU5KRT3UTF - 208V, 5kVA on-line UPS with 120V transformer
  • CyberPower PDU20M2F12R - metered power distribution unit, (14) NEMA 5-20R
  • Ubiquiti USW-Pro-48 - 48 port 10Gbps network switch

The UPS is connected to a 208V NEMA 6-30R outlet in the overhead cable tray, which is on the building's "standby" (backup power) circuit. An 8-ft L6-30 extension cord has been ordered to permanently run the power cable through the cable tray.

The network switch will be connected to a Cat6 cable that was recently run by ITS from the 1119 rack, allowing the lab's LAN to be extended into 1129. This Ethernet link remains to be tested.


Server Rack Installation

A new Tripp Lite 42U open-frame rack was laid in place in 1129 and anchored to the floor (see attachment 1). This rack will house all of our general-purpose and simulation computers, which will be relocated from the 1119 rack at a later time.

  339   Sat Feb 24 08:53:38 2024 JonInfrastructureComputersMatlab upgraded to 2023b on Chimay
I upgraded Matlab on chimay to the latest stable release, 2023b. From some quick tests, it appears to be in working order. Let me know of any issues.
  377   Mon Jun 17 11:47:46 2024 LiuInfrastructureGeneralTemporary cooling units for the labs
Below are the temporary cooling units installed last week in labs 1119 and 1129. They are the temp. replacement for the building AC system, which will be shut down during the Physics roof replacement.
  379   Thu Jun 20 18:01:11 2024 JonInfrastructureComputersNew workstation ws3 in 1129
I have repurposed a spare Intel NUC to serve as the first of two planned workstations in 1129. Today I set it up with a fresh installation of Debian 12.5, assigned it the static IP address, and installed the LIGO CDS workstation packages. It is assigned the host name ws3. Temporarily, the mouse is borrowed from ws1 in 1119. We need to order another mouse as well as a 25-ft Ethernet cable for connecting the workstation to the 1129 switch, via the ceiling.
  382   Mon Jun 24 21:38:25 2024 PooyanInfrastructureComputersComputer server changes in 1119 and 1129

[Jon, Pooyan, Tyler]


A few computer machine changes have been made. 


  • Logrus moved from 1119 to 1129. It is up and running with the same IP address as before. 
  • A new Windows machine (host name: spica, IP: is installed in the 1119 server rack. It is connected to the RGA scanner with the serial port and is specifically used for that purpose. 
    • Update: The machine was off on 6/25, although it was left on 6/24. We think that it might have been because of Windows' default setting to suspend/hibernate the machine after idleness. To resolve this, I used  "powercfg /change" command to set all the following parameters equal to zero. The machine is still running on 6/26. 

  • A new Debian machine (hostname: megatron, IP: is installed in the 1129 server rack. This machine is intended to be used for FEA/simulation work. A new 2TB WD Green SSD is used as its main disk drive. 

     At the moment, “controls” is the only user, and there are no apps/libraries installed on the machine.

    • Update: Jon installed LIGO cds-workstation tools and MiniConda on 6/26. 
    • Update: Pooyan and Liu set the following conda environments:
      • Env named “finesse” with Python 3.12.3 and Finesse version 3.0a24 installed. Finesse was installed via the source code. The subdirectory “/home/controls/packages” is used to store the package sourcecodes.
      • Env named “fenicsx” with the same version of Python and Finesse as the previous env, with the latest version of FEniCSx (0.8) and the test-mass-thermal-state installed.  
  385   Wed Jun 26 15:33:41 2024 JonInfrastructureComputersNew workstation ws3 in 1129

Set-up of the first CDS workstation for 1129, ws3, is complete and the machine is ready for use. The login credentials are the same as the other lab machines.

All that now remains is to install a permanent cable tray for running the new Ethernet cables between the electronics rack and bench (they are currently dangling from the suspended lights).

I have repurposed a spare Intel NUC to serve as the first of two planned workstations in 1129. Today I set it up with a fresh installation of Debian 12.5, assigned it the static IP address, and installed the LIGO CDS workstation packages. It is assigned the host name ws3. Temporarily, the mouse is borrowed from ws1 in 1119. We need to order another mouse as well as a 25-ft Ethernet cable for connecting the workstation to the 1129 switch, via the ceiling.

  402   Thu Jul 11 21:01:37 2024 JonInfrastructureGeneralCable tray installed in 1129
Today I installed a 10' cable tray in 1129, for permanently routing Ethernet lines to the workstations. It is securely bolted to C-channels in the side wall and in the center cable tray.
  412   Fri Jul 26 17:25:42 2024 JonInfrastructureComputersNew workstation ws4 installed in 1129

Today I installed the second desktop workstation in 1129. The new machine is an Intel NUC13ANHi5, with a 12-Core Intel i5-1340P CPU, 32GB DDR4 RAM, and a 1TB SSD.

I loaded it with a fresh installation of Debian 12 and installed the LIGO CDS workstation (control room) tools. It is assigned the hostname ws4 and and the static IP address on the local lab network. Like the other CDS workstations, there is just one user account accessible with the usual credentials.

The machine is fully set up and ready for use.

  418   Tue Jul 30 07:42:47 2024 JonInfrastructureGeneralCable tray installed in 1119
Yesterday I installed another 5' cable tray in 1119, for permanently routing Ethernet lines to the L-bench. It is securely bolted to the top of the electronics rack, on one end, and to the top of the glass-door storage cabinet, on the other. This eliminates the need for the cable ramp which previously sat behind the rack.
  437   Mon Sep 9 14:27:36 2024 PooyanInfrastructureComputersChimay backup attempt

One ongoing work is to make all lab machines automatically backed-up on Scribe on a daily basis. The updates should be boatable and stored for some time (potentially a few weeks) on Scribe. Making whole disk images has already been tried for some of the machines with no problems. (e.g., Cymac and WorkStations)

The same thing can not be done with Chimay though, as it currently has one huge RAID-controlled volume that stores all the information (OS, home directories, and NDS-downloaded data). Creating daily full disk images of such a system is not practical. 

Here is the plan we came up with to overcome this issue:

  1. Create one full disk image of Chimay and store it on Scribe (it was already done)
  2. Move the nds-downloaded raw data temporarily to Scribe and remove it from Chimay
  3. Make another full disk image of Chimay
  4. Burn this image to a single disk and boot chimay with it
  5. Restore the rest of Chimay disks and move the NDS data back


On the weekend (Sat and Sun 9/7-8) I tried to execute these steps. There wasn't enough free space left on Scribe to move all the NDS data to it, so I stored part of this data temporarily on WS4. Then I also checked storage-consuming directories and, in one case, removed some non-important stored files. As there was no free space left on Scribe to execute step no. 3, I initiated storing the image on WS3. Unfortunately, a couple of different trials of the image-creation process failed as there was not enough free space on WS3 to accommodate Chiamy image as well. I was not able to reduce the image size such that it can be stored on WS3. 


These are the options left for us to get this work done. 

  1. Distribute the NDS files between different machines to make enough free space on Scribe for the image and then follow the previous plan
  2. Shrink the Chimay drive size, create the image and then follow the previous plan
  3. Temporarily transfer some services to Megatrone (Network gateway, Wiki, elog) and recreate chimay and its services from scratch
  1   Sun Apr 10 15:39:49 2022 Rutuja GuravHowToComputer Scripts/ProgramsHowTo: Renew the Let's Encrypt SSL certificate using certbot

Port 80 is kept closed by default. This might be causing the certbot auto-renewal cronjob to fail. Therefore we must renew the certificate manually.

Step 1: Open port 80. (This is needed as the certificate renewal process runs some tests which requires client communication over port 80)

Step 2: Run the following command

sudo certbot certonly --force-renew -d

Step 3: Confirm the certificate was renewed by running the following command

sudo certbot certificates

  2   Thu Jun 2 16:14:58 2022 JonHowToGeneralCustom conda environment on JupyterHub

Cross-linking instructions: How to run a Jupyter notebook in your custom Conda environment

  292   Fri Dec 15 14:03:02 2023 AidenHowToVACVacuum Chamber Opening

1. Turn off the RGA filament and disconnect it.

2. Record the pressure and then close the angle valve and gate valve on the RGA line to isolate it from the system.

3. Turn off the backing and turbo pump and let the turbo pump spin to a stop by slowly leaking the chamber. The slower the safer.

4.Slowly open the vents on the chamber and the turbo pump. Making sure not to raise the pressure too fast.

5. Once done venting the chamber, open the lid by removing the bolts and prying the lid open with a long flat head screw driver.

6. Removed previous parts and placed them into clean bags. Place new parts inside of the chamber and group them together close to the center.

7. Place the lid back onto the chamber and tighten the bolts in a circular pattern until tightened all the way with the wrench.

8. Make sure all vents are closed and turn the backing pump back on.

9. The turbo pump can be turned back on when the pressure reaches e-1 torr.

10. Wait until the chamber reaches a pressure of e-6 torr before opening the angle and gate valve on the RGA line. After the RGA line is open and the pressure is still below e-6 torr, the RGA filament can be turned on and a leak test of the lid should be performed.

11. After the leak test shows no leaks, proceed with starting the low temp bake.

  14   Wed Dec 14 18:34:33 2022 JonConfigurationElectronicsAdapter for 532 nm laser power supply
I installed an EU-to-US plug adapter for the 532nm laser's 9V power supply. I then re-measured the laser's power with the correct supply voltage (previously we had been using a 6V supply). At 9V, the max power is 0.83 W, so the laser is confirmed to be Class 2 as labeled.
  271   Mon Nov 20 10:10:50 2023 TylerConfigurationElectronicsRTD Logic/Schematic Diagrams

Below are a basic diagram of what the RTD measurement circuit logically looks like and an example schematic of the actual wiring. The schematic wiring will be placed internally into a chassis, connected to the RTDs via DB25 cable.

Note: The DB25 Breakout Board connector is Female, not Male.
  298   Fri Dec 29 16:02:27 2023 JonConfigurationElectronicsRTD Readout Chassis

The custom front and rear panels for the RTD readout chassis arrived last Friday. I installed them in the chassis frame to check their fit. They fit very well, so all that now remains is to complete the internal wiring and test the connections.

The chassis panel designs are archived to LIGO-D2300452 and LIGO-D2300453.


Below are a basic diagram of what the RTD measurement circuit logically looks like and an example schematic of the actual wiring. The schematic wiring will be placed internally into a chassis, connected to the RTDs via DB25 cable.

Note: The DB25 Breakout Board connector is Female, not Male.
  300   Tue Jan 9 12:08:59 2024 TylerConfigurationElectronicsRTD Readout Chassis Update

Below is the current state of the RTD readout chassis wiring. Initial continuity tests seem good, will run through one more time to confirm.


The custom front and rear panels for the RTD readout chassis arrived last Friday. I installed them in the chassis frame to check their fit. They fit very well, so all that now remains is to complete the internal wiring and test the connections.

The chassis panel designs are archived to LIGO-D2300452 and LIGO-D2300453.


Below are a basic diagram of what the RTD measurement circuit logically looks like and an example schematic of the actual wiring. The schematic wiring will be placed internally into a chassis, connected to the RTDs via DB25 cable.

Note: The DB25 Breakout Board connector is Female, not Male.


  305   Tue Jan 16 12:20:21 2024 TylerConfigurationElectronicsRTD Readout Chassis Update 2

I performed another continuity test on the RTD chassis wiring, and everything seems to be set up correctly. The chassis should be ready for installation.


Below is the current state of the RTD readout chassis wiring. Initial continuity tests seem good, will run through one more time to confirm.


The custom front and rear panels for the RTD readout chassis arrived last Friday. I installed them in the chassis frame to check their fit. They fit very well, so all that now remains is to complete the internal wiring and test the connections.

The chassis panel designs are archived to LIGO-D2300452 and LIGO-D2300453.


Below are a basic diagram of what the RTD measurement circuit logically looks like and an example schematic of the actual wiring. The schematic wiring will be placed internally into a chassis, connected to the RTDs via DB25 cable.

Note: The DB25 Breakout Board connector is Female, not Male.



  323   Tue Feb 13 11:54:45 2024 TylerConfigurationFLIRIn-Air Optical Test Configuration

Below is the proposed schematic for FROSTI optical testing, chosen so enough space is allotted for prototype assembly.

Steps to be taken include:

  1. Reconstruct FLIR staging apparatus
  2. Move test mass stand-in to cleanroom
  3. Mark FLIR camera position on cleanroom optical table at correct distance
  4. Run ethernet cable into cleanroom
  5. Move FLIR aside to allow for more assembly space
  6. Upon assembly completion, reposition FLIR onto optical table again

Tentative plan is to begin setup early next week.

  451   Wed Oct 2 10:31:46 2024 Xuesi MaConfiguration Group Meeting Slides 10/2/2024

Group Meeting slides for Non-deterministic Heater Response.

  517   Tue Feb 18 11:19:13 2025 Luke ConfigurationVACRepositioning of the lid's temperature probe
Before the recent bake I slightly repositioned the temperature probe on the lid from beside the heater tape to under the heater tape. This was done to better know and control the temperatures of the chamber while baking. It has appeared to work with the temperatures being held very close to the 120C target.
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