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Message ID: 99     Entry time: Tue May 16 11:56:33 2023
Author: Peter 
Type: Update 
Category: VLC Electronics 
Subject: 532nm Intensity Measurement 
With the configuration the exact same as before, I used the Jupyter notebook in the red pitaya's development package to collect data from both input channels. Last week, I was able to take data, yet only for a very short period of time, and I did not know how to change it. I went online to the red pitaya's user manual to figure out how to change the sampling period for longer. The link to the page is here: Though I now know how to change the period of time for which data is taken, the maximum amount of time is still only about 8 seconds. So with help from Cao, we looped over the data taking samples, and got a mean value for each iteration. We then put all those mean values in an array, and plotted it. Below, we see a plot of both the S and P polarizations, and a sum of both of them. As seen in the graph, I have set the time to be able to take data for almost 2 minutes. There is some slight drift in the respective intensities. The next steps I believe are to convert the units into watts, and take data for longer periods of time.
Attachment 1: Time_Series_Trial_3.png  12 kB  | Show | Show all
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