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  Richardson Lab Experimental Log  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 532     Entry time: Tue Mar 4 10:47:03 2025
Author: Shane 
Type: Update 
Category: CDS 
Subject: Vac system pinouts 
Attached here are the pinouts, as we currently know them, for the vacuum system. The three items focused on here are the Agilent TwissTorr 74 FS turbo pump (the smaller/newer pump) and controller, the Agilent TV 551 Navigator turbo pump (the larger/older pump) and controller, and the Eight-channel Perle IOLAN SDS8 terminal server. The 'field' pinouts in the attached tables refer to the DB9 end of the RJ45F to DB9F converter.
Attachment 1: vac_pinouts_1.jpeg  412 kB  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: vac_pinouts_2.jpeg  323 kB  | Hide | Hide all
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