ligo-ex ligo-ds
  Richardson Lab Experimental Log  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 525     Entry time: Tue Feb 25 10:02:32 2025
Author: Xuesi Ma 
Type: Update 

1424039912.625576 2025/02/19 22:38:14 UTC Time start

24V 2.8A right after start all 8 elements

1424044804.902443 2025/02/19 23:59:46 UTC Time stop

24V 1.8A right before stop all 8 elements

0.1A right before start and right after stop

note: turned on briefly to check current right before stop

2/20 RGA Scan


1424129207.857777 2025/02/20 23:26:29 UTC Time start

24V 2.9A right after start all 8 elements

1424140789.856096 2025/02/21 02:39:31 UTC Time stop

24V 1.7A right before stop all 8 elements

0.1A right before start and right after stop

2025/02/21 02:43:19 UTC

Main chamber pressure: 1.54e-8

RGA chamber pressure:5.06e-9

spikes are due to loose connection between connectors.

1424210410.173863 2025/02/21 21:59:52 UTC Time start

24V 2.9A right after start all 8 elements

1424218357.96404 2025/02/22 00:12:19 UTC Time stop

24V 1.7A right before stop all 8 elements

each elements: 0.3A (0.2A increment)(all)

0.1A right before start and right before stop

2/24 RGA Scan

1424467918.129082 2025/02/24 21:31:40 UTC Time start

12V 2A right after start all 8 elements

1424478936.635821 2025/02/25 00:35:18 UTC Time stop

12V 1.6A right before stop all 8 elements

each elements: 0.4A (0.2A increment)(all)

0.2A right before start

rise time: A(1-exp(-t/tau))+B

fall time: Aexp(-t/tau) +B

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