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Message ID: 513     Entry time: Sun Feb 16 16:45:18 2025
Author: Luke  
Type: Update 
Category: General 
Subject: Ringheater position optimization  

Over the last couple weeks I have been working on finding the optimal position of the ringheater's thermal profile. 

Today I would like to give an update of where I am at and my next steps.

Using the python COMSOL interface I have been able to run and save deformation data sweeping through a great deal of potential combinations of widths and positions.

I then calculated their zernike coefficients and using a very simple "quality" function (02 - (40)*10 - (4-4)*10), where 02 stands for the zernike mode of quadratic deformation, I was able to generate a heat map of comparing the "quality" verses the width and position used. 

Seen below are four plots. The first is simply the 02 coefficient of the decomposition followed by the negative of 40 and 4-4 then the "quality."

This 'quality' function was an arbitrary choice on my part. I believe that my next step would either be defining a more useful function or using finesse to model the actual effects of this surface deformation.

Attachment 1: 02.png  18 kB  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: _40.png  19 kB  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 3: _4-4.png  16 kB  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 4: 02_40_4-4.png  18 kB  | Hide | Hide all
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