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Message ID: 348     Entry time: Fri Mar 15 16:58:55 2024
Author: Aiden 
Type: Update 
Category: VAC 
Subject: Vacuum Chamber Frosti Testing 
[Luke, Luis, Aiden] On Thursday, March 14 - Took preliminary RGA scans of the empty chamber to compare later on. Vented the chamber and placed the FROSTI into the chamber. Plugged in the DB-25 connectors into the feed through port and checked the connection to make sure there were no shorts before closing the chamber and starting the pumps again. On Friday, March 15 - The pressure in the chamber has come down to 7 e-6 torr. It seems to be coming down much slower despite the little time the chamber was left open for. This may be due to the FROSTI being out on the table for so long and a bake may be needed to bring the pressure down to near UHV.
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