[Aiden, Jon, Luis, Luke, Michael, Tyler]
FROSTI assembly was completed today. The RTD and power wires were terminated at the DB-25 connectors and the legs were put on. It is currently placed in front of the stand-in test mass (~5 cm away). The FLIR has also been moved back to it's nominal position. As of now, it appears there are some shorts within the power cabling. This will be a focus of tomorrow's work.
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[Jon, Tyler, Luis, Luke, Mohak, Cynthia, Michael, Aiden]
FROSTI assembly began today. After a final set of RGA scans were taken, the vacuum chamber was vented and the reflectors were removed. The chamber was then resealed and pumped down again.
Today we completed the installation of the Macor hardware and heater elements between the two reflector halves. Tomorrow we will route, bundle, and terminate the power and sensor cables. |