Today I finished implementing an RTS model to read out the integrated FROSTI RTDs (temperature sensors) via the CyMAC. The model is named "MSC" and is located at cymac:/opt/rtcds/usercode/models/c1msc.mdl. We successfully tested it with the heater elements operating in vacuum at low power (12 VDC), finding them to reach an average steady-state temperature of 160 C.
From the cymac host, the MEDM control screen can be accessed with the terminal command "sitemap" (from any directory).
Measurement Technique
Each FROSTI heater element [299] contains an internal two-wire RTD placed near the front emitting surface, which enables the temperature of the blackbody emitter to be directly monitored. From the measured temperature and the emissivity of the uncoated aluminum nitride surface (known to be ~1 in the IR), the radiated source-plane power can also be estimated.
The resistance of each RTD is measured via a ratiometric technique. The RTDs are powered in series with a 1 kΩ reference resistor located inside the readout chassis [305], whose temperature is not changing. The signal is obtained by taking the ratio of the voltage difference across each individual RTD to the voltage difference across the reference resisitor. The advantage of this technique is that the ratio of the voltage differences is insensitive to changes in the current through the resistors (since they are all in series; see [271] for wiring diagram).
Implementation Detail
The signal flow is shown in Attachment 1. The eight RTD signals enter through ADC channels 0-7, along with the reference resistor signal on channel 8. The first set of filter modules apply a calibration gain to convert the signals from raw ADU counts to units of input-referred voltage. The ratio of each RTD signal to the reference resistor signal is then taken. The second set of filter modules multiply the voltage-difference ratios by the resistance of the reference resistor, 1 kΩ ± 0.01%, to obtain the RTD resistances in physical units of ohms.
Finally, a freeform math module is used to invert the quadratic relation between each RTD's resistance and temperature. The final signals passed to the third set of filter modules are the RTD temperatures in physical units of degrees C. The temperatures of the tungsten RTDs are estimated assuming TCR coefficients of A=0.0030 C-1 (±10%) and B=1.003E-6 C-2, which were provided by the manufacturer.
One DAC channel is used to provide the excitation voltage for the RTD measurement, which is visible on the far right of the control screen. At its maximum output voltage of +10 V, the DAC can drive a maximum current of 10 mA. |