ligo-ex ligo-ds
  Richardson Lab Experimental Log  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 299     Entry time: Mon Jan 8 20:24:53 2024
Author: Aiden 
Type: Update 
Category: General 
[Jon, Aiden]

Installed the heater elements into their fixture and prepped the cables by twisting the wires into pairs. We also installed the pins onto the wires and placed them into the peek DB 25 connector. The installation tool we had did not fit the pin size we had so the pins needed to be installed by hand by opening the connector and holding them in place. In the future we will need to make sure we twist the wires together, group them, and then splice them all to the same size for easier installation. We then grouped all the twisted pairs into a bundle and zipped them together. On the left with two peek zip ties is the power and on the right is the RTD with one peek zip tie. This orientation remains true when looking at the feed through flange from the outside with the power port on closest to the wall.

We also installed the heater elements numbered 1-8 starting from the left in image 3. These elements have numbers as resistance data was taken before as to identify the heaters after they are in the chamber. After installing the DB 25 connectors we tested that the pins were in the right orientation by using a volt meter and testing the resistance where the cable runs into the the actual power supply. It seems that all the pins were properly installed and the resistance values all match with each one gaining about 2 Ohms from the cable itself.

Then the pump down was started. The pump was very slow and we suspected a leak but after changing the o-ring pump down was not any faster and we decided to leave it over break as it seemed to just be water outgassing from the aluminum. The chamber is now able to be RGA scanned and leak tested before the next bake as it is low enough pressure.

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