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  Richardson Lab Experimental Log  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 292     Entry time: Fri Dec 15 14:03:02 2023
Author: Aiden 
Type: HowTo 
Category: VAC 
Subject: Vacuum Chamber Opening 

1. Turn off the RGA filament and disconnect it.

2. Record the pressure and then close the angle valve and gate valve on the RGA line to isolate it from the system.

3. Turn off the backing and turbo pump and let the turbo pump spin to a stop by slowly leaking the chamber. The slower the safer.

4.Slowly open the vents on the chamber and the turbo pump. Making sure not to raise the pressure too fast.

5. Once done venting the chamber, open the lid by removing the bolts and prying the lid open with a long flat head screw driver.

6. Removed previous parts and placed them into clean bags. Place new parts inside of the chamber and group them together close to the center.

7. Place the lid back onto the chamber and tighten the bolts in a circular pattern until tightened all the way with the wrench.

8. Make sure all vents are closed and turn the backing pump back on.

9. The turbo pump can be turned back on when the pressure reaches e-1 torr.

10. Wait until the chamber reaches a pressure of e-6 torr before opening the angle and gate valve on the RGA line. After the RGA line is open and the pressure is still below e-6 torr, the RGA filament can be turned on and a leak test of the lid should be performed.

11. After the leak test shows no leaks, proceed with starting the low temp bake.

ELOG V3.1.3-7933898